Retail chains are closing, kids never leave the house anymore, and cars can drive themselves. The times are changin’, and virtual business cards are one of the many adaptations we have to make to stay relevant.

It all started with Blockbuster. Netflix paved the way to videos on demand, then their streaming service sealed the deal. Next came Amazon, eliminating the need to ever leave the house to go shopping.

We’re entering a digital age, and if you play your cards right, you’ll get to reap the benefits of the global economy. By creating a virtual business card, you’ll take a step towards getting the sales you deserve.

What is a Virtual Business Card?

We all know the basics of a business card: contact information, you and your business’s names, and your brand’s logo.

Virtual business cards have all of the same ingredients and expand on them. Along with contact information, you can add direct links. Along with your professional logo, you can add a video explaining your brand’s vision.

A traditional business card is easier to give to someone, but it’s also easy to leave in your wallet. Virtual business cards make it quick and simple to find and reach you and your advertising channels.

How a Virtual Business Card Will Boost Your Sales

Creating a virtual business card increases your chance of landing that big sale in many different ways. Sometimes all a potential client needs is a little guidance towards the right direction, and next thing you know you’ve built a new, powerful business relationship.

Meeting prospects all over the world

Mentioned earlier, we live in a time where anybody on the planet is one Google search away from finding your website. Creating a virtual business card capitalizes on this potential.

You need to make it as easy as possible for a potential client to contact you. Placing a virtual business card on your website lets website viewers effortlessly find you and ask for your services.

Saving time and money

First and most obvious, using a virtual business card keeps you from spending money ordering physical business cards. You’re also able to change your contact information on the fly, saving you the hassle of reordering business cards every time you change your business email.

Less considered is how you also save your recipient’s time when you give them a virtual business card. They can visit your website, follow you on social media, and save your email in one click due to hyperlinks. With a traditional business card, they might only check out your website and stop there, finding it too much of a hassle to type the rest of the contact information into their phone.

Getting your foot in the door

One more perk of using a virtual business card is that you get a piece of their contact information. You’ll usually ask for an email or phone number so you can send them your virtual business card. Giving out your contact information is already a good step, but getting some of their info is even better.

You’ve now got your foot in the door. You get an avenue where you can follow your potential client up. You’re then able to send them additional pieces of value such as a link to a product they stated interest in. Or, you could simply continue the conversation and further develop your relationship.

Creating Your First Virtual Business Card

In summary, having a virtual business card lowers barriers for your leads. Whether online or in person, you make it easier for your contacts to follow you up and learn more about your brand.

You don’t have to completely ditch standard business cards either. Virtual business cards are simply another tool to your repertoire, bringing your business to the online age.

Making your first virtual business card doesn’t have to be a difficult task. There are plenty of apps and websites that make the process easy, with many only needing you to type in the few pieces of contact info you want on the card.

If you already have a virtual business card, share it in the comments so we can see the beautiful designs and layouts you’ve created!

Featured image by Helena Lopes on Unsplash